PRIAM project update: Testbench & Digital Forms

In 2020, Howden Maintenance Partners started to participate in the PRIAM project with the partners Performance for AssetsI-care*I-Pulses SPRL and Pôle MecaTech.

PRIAM stands for PRojet d’Intelligence Artificielle pour la Maintenance (Project of Artificial Intelligence for Maintenance).

Thanks to the support of Digital Wallonia, we were able to build a demonstrator testbench and develop digital forms.


The testbench represents a production line on a small scale with various components and is used to demonstrate our platform’s capabilities to register data inputs from various sensors (vibration, temperature, ultrasonic, …) and multiple types of data (structured & unstructured).

Digital Form

The digital form allows users to fill in data that is not monitored automatically. This data is then stored in the database and included in the algorithms that analyse the equipment’s behaviour.


In this video Philippe Mol & Pierre Colon explain the progress that was made in the PRIAM project (to change subtitle language use Youtube’s subtitle function):


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