Marine & Offshore Services

Maintenance Partners’ Marine & Offshore department covers field and workshop services for customers all over the world. The locations of our workshops allow for quick and flexible services to the ports of Antwerp, Ghent, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge and Le Havre.

Maintenance Partners Marine - Member of ISES - The International Ship Engineering Service AssociationMember of ISES – The International Ship Engineering Service Association

We are also a full member of the ISES Association (The International Ship Engineering Service Association). The ISES Association network consists of service companies located throughout the world, this further expands the available services that Maintenance Partners offers internationally to its customers in the marine and offshore industry.

Electrical & Mechanical Equipment Services

Maintenance Partners - Marine Offshore 01 WinchesWe offer maintenance and repair services on electrical and mechanical rotating equipment, such as:



Diesel Engines

Maintenance Partners - Marine Offshore 02 MHI UEC Diesel Engines OEM Service PointThe acquisition by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in 2009 has resulted in Maintenance Partners being qualified as the European OEM Service Point for MHI UEC diesel engines. This has allowed us to further improve our diesel engine services and grants us access to OEM spare parts and support.

Regardless of brand or make, we provide the following diesel engine services:

  • On-site Repairs and Maintenance
  • Crankshaft Repairs and Replacements
  • Alignment and Chocking
  • Workshop Repairs
  • Rebabitting of Bearings
  • Supply and Reconditioning of Spare Parts



Maintenance Partners Marine - Overhaul & Test of Submerged E-MotorBesides maintenance and repairs, diagnostic services are also part of our service. Specifically for marine and offshore customers, we provide the following diagnostic services:

  • Ship’s vibration and acoustic measurements
  • Torsional vibration analysis
  • Oil & fuel analysis
  • Thermography analysis
  • Motor condition analysis
  • Diesel diagnostic & power measurements
  • Ultrasonic measurement
  • Laser alignment
  • Diagnostic surveys + independent reporting


Pinta | Overhaul & Test of submerged motor
Repair of Generator aboard the Flanders Harmony
Rambiz | Complete overhaul of winches in MP workshop
Brugge Venture | Main engine overhaul during docking
Flanders Tenacity | Main Generator Inspection
Exmar Bastogne | Overhaul of Burckhardt recip compressor

Contact our Marine Department

Our marine and offshore services are available 24/7. Contact our Marine & Offshore department directly:

+32 (0)496 57 21 33 or send us a message:

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